Daniel Skeffington

 I have a restless mind when it comes to making with clay. No sooner have I developed one idea and its out of the kiln, I move onto the next project, the next form. I’m just warming up in my ceramic career!

I’m motivated by beauty and form and colour.
These are samples of several different bodies of my current work.
1. The beauty of form expressed sculpturally with my ‘Cosmos’ pieces, and
2. The beauty of colour and texture - my ’Audrey Cookie Jar’.
These pieces reflect the current vibe of city living with its ever-changing revitalisation taking on a new spirit and vitality. These pieces are intended to ‘pop’ in your home and office space. For the Audrey Cookie Jars and the Cosmos pieces, each has been fired no less than 4 times to achieve the layered/multi-surface.

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